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Advanced Commercial Re-Certification - Online

Honeywell Analytics Commercial

  • $ 545.00USD

In order to register for this exam you must first e-mail                                       with the following information: 

  • The full course name: Advanced Commercial Re-Certification - Online
  • The name(s) of the person looking to complete the exam.
  • The year they completed the classroom course (if we are unable to find you in our database we may require a copy of your certificate).
  • An electronic copy of your purchase order, or confirmation that you'll be paying via credit card.

Limited to contracted Honeywell Analytics distributors only. Must have previously completed the Advanced Commercial Classroom Certification course.

The Advanced Commercial Product Re-Certification covers installation, programming, troubleshooting and calibration of the full line of Commercial products. Successful completion of this re-certification test certifies the technician for 2 years.

Products Covered:

301C, 301R, 301AP, 420I, 301IRF, 301ADI, 301EM/EMRP, 301IRF, S301D2, EC-FX, IR-F9, Midas M, E3Point, Sensepoint XCL/XRL and Sensepoint XCD Series

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